kipsigis warriors |
The Kipsigis describe their place of origin as To near Lake Baringo. The Kipsigis are a Nilotic (Nilo Hamitic) people. They are the most populous sub-group of the Kalenjin, a subdivision of Nilotes, who originated in the South Sudan region. Another Kalenjin sub-group is the Tatonga people of Tanzania. In the 1700s, the two tribes migrated to the present-day region of Shinyanga in western Tanzania. Later, the Kipsigis returned to Kericho and a smaller group moved south to Angata Barigoi near the Tanzanian border. By the 19th century, the Kipsigis were living in the Rift Valley province of KenyaABOUT KIPSIGIS
Kipsigis have a tradition of humility, the endurance of hardship, strong emotional expression, loyalty, courage hospitality, and courtesy. Artists such as Joel Arap Kimeto, Paul Sang Temugo, Paul Subembe, Kipchamba Arap Tapotuk, Solomon Manori, Francis Koech, Junior Kotestes, and the comedian, Bomori Araap Baikalyaang, are from the Kipsigis community. The Segechek is a smaller clan with a belief in luck, wisdom and wealth, and secretiveness.
- Bakuserek-Abosi, Kaboson, chebunyon, sotik, lelechonik-Dikir and Angata Barikoi
- Kabioria
- Kapkitoleek
- Kapnabe
- Kipsamaek-Ng'etundo (in Tebesonik Bureti, Kitale, Ng'ororga, Kabitungu, Kipkelion, Bomet, Kericho)
- Kaptirit
- Kipomuek-Cheptirkichet (in Sigor Koitakalyet, Bomet, Sotik, Kaplong, Kericho)
- Kimeiteek
- Kibasisek
- Kibetu (in Belgut, Sosiot, Kapsoit)
- Kibokwoek
- Kapsengwerek
- Kipkogosek
- Kapcheroigik
- Kapmelgut
- Kapcheboin
- Kaptumoto
- Kaptuiyek
- Kaparsingil
- Kibororek
- Kapbecherek
- Kipbororek
- Kapkolwolek
- Kipkendeek
- kapkerichek(very related with chebororek clan)
- Kapbomoek
- Bobuserek-soet (Buffalo)
- Kabarangweek - belyot
- Kobasisek
- Kapkomosek
- Kapchamogondek
- Kiplegenek-totem-cheplanget. Sub clans: Kamerengo, Kapkoloibai, Kapsirere (in Kabianga, Kiptere, Bomet-Ndaraweta, Taabet, Chesoen, Kapletundo, Keongo, Kebeneti, Sachangwan, Bureti.
- Kapsoenik
- Chegimwek
- Kapmochoek
- Kaptotonek
- Kipintoek
- Chepkesek
- Kipbaek
- Kipcheromek
- Kipkeles
- Kapkechwoek
- Matoboriik
- Kapsoikoek
- Narachek
- Babasik
- KAPMOSOSWOEK(kong'onyot)
- Kipang'wanek
- Kapmagu
- Kapchebures
- Kipsirgoiik
- Kapmalumaasiaan
- Kapkenyogore
- Kaptolil
- Kapborowek
- Kapcheurek
- Kapsegit (The Segit or totem is Ng'okto (the dog))
- Kapcherongong - Kongonyot
- Kapkaon
- Kapkarugo
- Kapsiteek
- Segechek (a smaller clan).
- Kapmunga
- Kapsigilaek
- Kapchebororek
- Baguserek
- Kapmanereriek
- Kapchepalungu/Kimaunyiyet (in Bomet County: Motigo, Cheptagum, Kipkeigei, Kapsabul, Tarakwa, Singorwet, Kapkoros, Chemaner, Tegat, Sotik, Silibwet Olbutyo, Chebunyo, Nyambugo, Kipreres and others in Kericho, Nandi, Narok, and Nakuru Counties and even in Tanzania and some in South Sudan)
- Kapmaek Clan (totem is "Kimaketiet", concentrated in Belgut Kericho, originated from Nandi).
- Kamogoreek/Umoek. Totem = Ong'ongonyot (Crested Crane) (in Bomet, Nakuru, Narok and Kericho Counties: Chemaner, Tegat, Singorwet, Gelegele, Chebole, Kapkimolwa, Sigor, Kipreres, Chelemei, Sogoo, Koiwa, Kirenget, Olengurone, Mauche, Njoro, Dikirr and Loliondo in Tanzania)
- Kaboboek - Moset (Kericho, Kipkelion, Londiani, Bureti, Bomet)
- Kapkolwoleek
- Kapbinduk-totem- monkey.(found in Roret, kapkatet, kapkelek, sondu and nandi chepkumnyat)
Eight age sets in The Kalenjin Sub tribes have eight (8) age sets revolving around 100 year cycle. Each age set span over a period of 13 years before moving to the next age set. The age sets are as detailed below.1) Maina - 1800 A.D. - 1885A.
2)Nyongi - 1885 A.D.- 1900 A.D
3)Chumiot - 1900 A.D .- 1924A.D
4)Saweiyiek - 1924A.D. - 1940 A.D
5) Korongoro - 1940A.D .-1966 A.D
6) Kipkoimet - 1966A.D .-1976A.D
7) Kaplelach - 1976A.D .- 1996 A.D
8) Kipnyiige - 1996A.D .- to date.
A) MAINA (Mainek)
- Founded in 1750. The first cycle started in 1900 and ended (keng'asur) in 1922
- Its Salaniks are:
a) Mesiewa
b) Siling'
c) Chemorta
d) Silobai (I)
B) CHUMO (Chumek)
- Founded in 1790. First cycle in 1924 and ended in 1945.
- Its Salaniks are:
a) Silobai (II)
b) Sileta
c) Kiminget
d) Kimoino
e) Kigenya
f) Kimatagur
g) Kiptobot
C) SAWE (Saweiyek)
- Founded in 1800. First cycle in 1947 ak kengasur en 1961
- This age set had no salaniks
D) KORONGORO (Korongorek)
- Founded in 1820. First cycle in 1963 and ended in 1976
- Salaniks are:
a) Kipkoimet
b) Kipsor okwot
c) Kiptor mesendet
d) Kimariri
e) Kibelgot
- Founded in 1840. First cycle 1977 and ended in 1998 and in some parts of Kipsigis 1999
- Salaniks:
a) Kimut oiywet
b) Kimasiba
c) Kebebucha
d) Kibol oeng
e) Keny age ni
f) Bin laden
- Founded in 1860. First, cycle 1999/2000 and it is yet to end (it is a taboo to say when).
- Salaniks are:
a) Kipsil Choget
b) Tabarit
- Founded in 1890. The first cycle yet to begin (taboo to predict when)
- Salaniks are:
a) Kiptil garit
b) Kosigo
c) Kipsir got
d) Kimel siagit
e) Buluu
- Kapyugoi- Name of son-in-law by father-in-law.
- Botoiten-Name of father in-law by son in-law.
- Nyoiten- Name of brother in-law by son in-law.
- Sandanin-Name of son in-law by brother in-law.
- Umama-The real name of your mother real or actual brother.
- Abule –Name to your male cousins of your mother.
- Mbojo – Name of your sister brother to you.
- Senge – respect name by your father sister (auntie).
- Tilya – Respect name of relative of same clan.
- Konyiteniot– Respect name to close relative of different clan.
- Makigat – Respect name to great grandfather of either sex.
- Mochogoret- Respect name by a grandparent to his/her grandchildren.
- Korgetab-yugoi-respect name to daughter-in-law by mother-in-law.
- Iyoo- Respect name of the mother in- law by daughter-in-law.
- Bamongo/Aboiyon- Respect name by son to his father.
- Konut – Name of your father by a neighbor when distressed.
- Batiem-/kogo- Name of grandmother by grandchildren.
- Chepyoset- Name of an elderly woman by his husband.
- Boger –Name of mother-in-law to a son-in-law who requests sheep to be part of the dowry.
- Bogine- Name of mother-in-law to a son-in-law who request goat as part of the dowry.
- Bomori /agui –Name of any elderly man age of your grandfather also name of parent.
- Batany– Name of the grandfather of your father's side.
- Bokwo/Botich- Name of the grandfather of your mother's side.
- Ornyon- Name of clan members by distantly related.
- Manyun-Name of clan members but closely related
- karuchon-mother’s name by son.
- Iyoo-mother’s name by daughter.
- Kwanda-father.
- kwompop-father of.
- Kamet-mother.
- Kametab-mother of
- Barnotiot-youth.
- Neranik-young children.
- Lakwet-child
1. Teta ne abai - (cow under lactation)
2. Eito - (Bull)
3. Teta nebo riyotet/ne kotot - (cow near to conceive)
4. Roriat - (heifer)
5. Teta ne iyumi nego/iywoget - (mature cow)
6 .kwesta/kipkugeret - (he goat for father)
7. kechiriet/chepkugeret - (sheep for mother)
8. Chepngabait/ Roriat - (money for upkeep)
9. Kechiriet nebo arwet - for mother in law so as to allow you call her Boger or Goat with lamb so to allow you call her Bogine
10 Mwaita - (for the father lump, some money)
Kipkorir--born shortly before dawnKipkoech--born at dawn
Kimutai--born in mid-morning
Kibet--born at midday
Kiplagat (Kiplangat)--born at sunset
Kipkirui--born shortly after dark
Kipkemboi--born at night
Kipngetich--born when cows are taken to pasture after morning milking
Kiprotich--born when cattle are brought home for evening milking
Kipngeno--born when goats are waking up
Kiprono--born when sheep or goats are brought into the house in the evening
Kipkeino--born when sheep or goats are being milked (i.e. when cows milk is short)
Kiplimo--born among grazing cattle
Kipngeny--born when cattle are at a salt lick
Kipkosgei--born after a long labor, or a long interval between children
Kipchirchir--born in a hurry, after short labor
Kiptanui--fainted, failed to cry or breathe at birth
Kipketer--born on the verandah
Kipchoge--born near the grain storage bin
Kipsang--born outdoors
Kipkurgat--born by the door
Kibitok--born on the fathers side of the hut, not the mothers
Kiptoo--born when visitors are around
Kiptum--born during circumcision ceremonies
Kimaiyo--born when beer is being brewed or drunk
Komen--born when beer is being brewed or drunk
Kipruto--born away from home, on safari
Kipchumba--born near white men, i.e. in a hospital, in a town, on a white-owned farm
Kipkemei--born during a drought
Kiprugut--born during a famine
Kiptalam--born during an infestation of locusts
Kipsigei--born on his own (i.e. the mother had no help)
Cheruiyot (male only)--born when everyone was asleep
Kitur--born after parents had begun to despair of having a child
Kigen--a long-awaited son (usually born after several daughters
Jepkorir--born shortly before dawn
Jepkoech--born at dawn
Jemutai--born in mid-morning
Jebet--born at midday
Jelagat (Jeplangat)--born at sunset
Jepkirui--born shortly after dark
Jepkemboi--born at night
Jepngetich--born when cows are taken to pasture after morning milking
Jerotich--born when cattle are brought home for evening milking
Jepngeno--born when goats are waking up
Jerono--born when sheep or goats are brought into the house in the evening
Jepkeino--born when sheep or goats are being milked (i.e. when cows milk is short)
Jeplimo--born among grazing cattle
Jepngeny--born when cattle are at a salt lick
Jepkosgei--born after a long labor, or a long interval between children
Jepchirchir--born in a hurry, after a short labor
Jeptanui--fainted, failed to cry or breathe at birth
Jepketer--born on the verandah
Jepchoge--born near the grain storage bin
Jepsang--born outdoors
Jepkurgat--born by the door
Jebitok--born on the father's side of the hut, not the mothers
Jeptoo--born when visitors are around
Jeptum--born during circumcision ceremonies
Jemaiyo--born when the beer is being brewed or drunk
Jeruto--born away from home, on safari
Jepchumba--born near white men, i.e. in a hospital, in a town, on a white-owned farm
Jepkemei--born during a drought
Jeprugut--born during a famine
Jeptalam--born during an infestation of locusts
Jepsigei--born on his own (i.e. the mother had no help)
Cheruiyot (most male name only)--born when everyone was asleep
Jekigen--a long-awaited son (usually born after several daughters
Chepkorir--born shortly before dawn
Chepkoech--born at dawn
Chemutai--born in mid-morning
Chebet--born at midday
Chelagat (Cheplangat)--born at sunset
Chepkirui--born shortly after dark
Chepkemboi--born at night
Chepngetich--born when cows are taken to pasture after morning milking
Cherotich--born when cattle are brought home for evening milking
Chepngeno--born when goats are waking up
Cherono--born when sheep or goats are brought into the house in the evening
Chepkeino--born when sheep or goats are being milked (i.e. when cows milk is short)
Chelimo--born among grazing cattle
Chepngeny--born when cattle are at a salt lick
Chepkosgei--born after a long labor, or a long interval between children
Chepchirchir--born in a hurry, after a short labor
Cheptanui--fainted, failed to cry or breathe at birth
Chepketer--born on the verandah
Chepchoge--born near the grain storage bin
Chepsang--born outdoors
Chepkurgat--born by the door
Chebitok--born on the fathers' side of the hut, not the mothers
Cheptoo--born when visitors are around
Cheptum--born during circumcision ceremonies
Chemaiyo--born when the beer is being brewed or drunk
Cheruto--born away from home, on safari
Chepchumba--born near white men, i.e. in a hospital, in a town, on a white-owned farm
Chepkemei--born during a drought
Cheprugut--born during a famine
Cheptalam--born during an infestation of locusts
Chepsigei--born on his own (i.e. the mother had no help)
Cheruiyot (male only)--born when everyone was asleep
Chepkigen--a long-awaited son (usually born after several daughters
.My inspiration to give important knowledge about my tribe as a Kalenjin is my DAD. He knows much about Kalenjin, always keeping us on the know and would like to pass that to my own kids when the time comes in order to keep our traditions and culture alive.
CLAN: MOSOSWOEK.(Dad's clan)
ANUE KAPKALWALEK(my mum's clan)
Save to say that i have diversified the knowledge on my tribe, these and such more should be documented for reference,. Our generational old men have failed to deliver. Good work sir