kipsigis warriors |
The Kipsigis describe their place of origin as To near Lake Baringo. The Kipsigis are a Nilotic (Nilo Hamitic) people. They are the most populous sub-group of the Kalenjin, a subdivision of Nilotes, who originated in the South Sudan region. Another Kalenjin sub-group is the Tatonga people of Tanzania. In the 1700s, the two tribes migrated to the present-day region of Shinyanga in western Tanzania. Later, the Kipsigis returned to Kericho and a smaller group moved south to Angata Barigoi near the Tanzanian border. By the 19th century, the Kipsigis were living in the Rift Valley province of KenyaABOUT KIPSIGIS
Kipsigis have a tradition of humility, the endurance of hardship, strong emotional expression, loyalty, courage hospitality, and courtesy. Artists such as Joel Arap Kimeto, Paul Sang Temugo, Paul Subembe, Kipchamba Arap Tapotuk, Solomon Manori, Francis Koech, Junior Kotestes, and the comedian, Bomori Araap Baikalyaang, are from the Kipsigis community. The Segechek is a smaller clan with a belief in luck, wisdom and wealth, and secretiveness.
- Bakuserek-Abosi, Kaboson, chebunyon, sotik, lelechonik-Dikir and Angata Barikoi
- Kabioria
- Kapkitoleek
- Kapnabe
- Kipsamaek-Ng'etundo (in Tebesonik Bureti, Kitale, Ng'ororga, Kabitungu, Kipkelion, Bomet, Kericho)
- Kaptirit
- Kipomuek-Cheptirkichet (in Sigor Koitakalyet, Bomet, Sotik, Kaplong, Kericho)
- Kimeiteek
- Kibasisek
- Kibetu (in Belgut, Sosiot, Kapsoit)
- Kibokwoek
- Kapsengwerek
- Kipkogosek
- Kapcheroigik
- Kapmelgut
- Kapcheboin
- Kaptumoto
- Kaptuiyek
- Kaparsingil
- Kibororek
- Kapbecherek
- Kipbororek
- Kapkolwolek
- Kipkendeek
- kapkerichek(very related with chebororek clan)
- Kapbomoek
- Bobuserek-soet (Buffalo)
- Kabarangweek - belyot
- Kobasisek
- Kapkomosek
- Kapchamogondek
- Kiplegenek-totem-cheplanget. Sub clans: Kamerengo, Kapkoloibai, Kapsirere (in Kabianga, Kiptere, Bomet-Ndaraweta, Taabet, Chesoen, Kapletundo, Keongo, Kebeneti, Sachangwan, Bureti.
- Kapsoenik
- Chegimwek
- Kapmochoek
- Kaptotonek
- Kipintoek
- Chepkesek
- Kipbaek
- Kipcheromek
- Kipkeles
- Kapkechwoek
- Matoboriik
- Kapsoikoek
- Narachek
- Babasik
- KAPMOSOSWOEK(kong'onyot)
- Kipang'wanek
- Kapmagu
- Kapchebures
- Kipsirgoiik
- Kapmalumaasiaan
- Kapkenyogore
- Kaptolil
- Kapborowek
- Kapcheurek
- Kapsegit (The Segit or totem is Ng'okto (the dog))
- Kapcherongong - Kongonyot
- Kapkaon
- Kapkarugo
- Kapsiteek
- Segechek (a smaller clan).
- Kapmunga
- Kapsigilaek
- Kapchebororek
- Baguserek
- Kapmanereriek
- Kapchepalungu/Kimaunyiyet (in Bomet County: Motigo, Cheptagum, Kipkeigei, Kapsabul, Tarakwa, Singorwet, Kapkoros, Chemaner, Tegat, Sotik, Silibwet Olbutyo, Chebunyo, Nyambugo, Kipreres and others in Kericho, Nandi, Narok, and Nakuru Counties and even in Tanzania and some in South Sudan)
- Kapmaek Clan (totem is "Kimaketiet", concentrated in Belgut Kericho, originated from Nandi).
- Kamogoreek/Umoek. Totem = Ong'ongonyot (Crested Crane) (in Bomet, Nakuru, Narok and Kericho Counties: Chemaner, Tegat, Singorwet, Gelegele, Chebole, Kapkimolwa, Sigor, Kipreres, Chelemei, Sogoo, Koiwa, Kirenget, Olengurone, Mauche, Njoro, Dikirr and Loliondo in Tanzania)
- Kaboboek - Moset (Kericho, Kipkelion, Londiani, Bureti, Bomet)
- Kapkolwoleek
- Kapbinduk-totem- monkey.(found in Roret, kapkatet, kapkelek, sondu and nandi chepkumnyat)